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REAL Alternatives


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Guide to A2L refrigerants
Guide to A2L refrigerants
In English.

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This guidance note has been written by members of FETA Associations to give an overview of these new refrigerants, and some basic advice as to their use in the field.

International Special Issue UNEP-IIR-Centro Studi Galileo 2016
International Special Issue UNEP-IIR-Centro Studi Galileo 2016
In English.

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EN378 Standard guide to changes
EN378 Standard guide to changes
In English.

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Brief overview of the main changes in EN378 as published in 2016.

HFO R448A in supermarkets
HFO R448A in supermarkets
In English.

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R-448A helps UK retailer ASDA advance its climate resilience strategy. Case study. 

AREA Equipment of Alternative Refrigerants with Lower and Higher Flammability
AREA Equipment of Alternative Refrigerants with Lower and Higher Flammability
In English.

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